AnaMia's Friend PhylanthropicFlattery's Place Net poem Hidden Love


So unlike your eyes
Glistening with the calm of friendship
Their zest for life intensely focused
Their intrigue charged with chrystaline perception
And closed lids hides the sunshine

So unlike your lips
With each gentle motion calling senses to stir
Where tender texture tempts the touch
When moistened longs for the kiss
And closed lips tease my taste

So unlike your heart
That touches the soul with deep compassion
That wildly churns its strength's composure
That pushes passion's paint toward pleasure
And silent holds my reason hostage

So unlike your breasts
Whose simple sinful symmetry steals all my senses softly
Whose gentle shapes dance freely in imaginative rhythm
Whose warmth comforts the child within
When held sends a rush toward new sensations
To nurture my world forever
So unlike hidden love

PhylanthropicFlattery "Wingless"
Net Poetry
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