AnaMia's Friend PhylanthropicFlattery's Place Net poem Feathered Frenzy


When looking for a quicker way
To get from here to there
I decided it was time for me
To set aside my fear

And though my vivid thoughts still churned
Of way to greet my end
One light and lofty dream remains
Of making bird a friend

As fate would have
Upon my quest to lift me fast from ground
There was just one to hear request
And was Abyss I found

This Lady rare with skills galore
Of tarns she truely knew
And seemed to sense before I asked
My wish to sail the blue

So here I wait, with hope and courage
That above on clouds should ride
And set behind old haunts once seen
Of feathered frenzied feast on hide

PhylanthropicFlattery "Wingless"
Net Poetry
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